2.550 Euro
1-3 hours
Hospital Stay
1 day
Recovery Time
2 days
While a good-looking chest is a striking feature for women, it’s a little different for men. Excessive breast enlargement in men can be caused by different reasons. Factors such as hormonal reasons, excessive alcohol consumption, doping or overnutrition can cause this condition. Are you affected by unwanted breast enlargement and looking for a solution from a beautician in Turkey?
Our Aesthetic Myra team will be happy to help you find the most suitable plastic surgeon for you! We are in close relationship with Turkish plastic surgeons who have their own name in the field of gynecomastia. Please contact us. Let us refer you to a qualified specialist.

Gynecomastia is applied within the scope of personal consultation and individual treatment.
Aesthetic Myra offers you great opportunities to have a personal meeting with your aesthetic plastic surgeon in Turkey, to get to know your surgeon, his team and their facilities. At this stage, your health information is recorded, the procedure and alternatives are explained, the risks and side effects of gynecomastia in Turkey, as well as its prices, are reported. We will inform you about this in detail on our website. After the physical examination, all your data is collected and analyzed and an individual treatment program is prepared for gynecomastia.
Gynecomastia: Special for Man!
If you are having trouble because of your breast size and you are ashamed of this situation, with a small intervention by our Turkish specialist, your image will change and you will gain your self-confidence and enjoy being a man.
Gynecomastia by Turkish plastic surgeons
Our aesthetic plastic surgeons in Turkey have many years of experience in the field of gynecomastia and apply procedures according to the most modern medical and technical standards.
Gynecomastia Procedure and Technique
First of all, your Turkish surgeon will evaluate whether the unwanted growth and enlargement is just fat proliferation or if the breast gland tissue has grown too large. In addition, both phenomena can occur together.
If only excess fat is present, the equine portion of the donor site can be aspirated with mild limited numbing. If glandular tissue is overgrown, it is surgically removed in an operation under general anesthesia. The incision is made inconspicuously below the areola. This should be done skillfully, because a symmetrical result should be achieved in this operation. Therefore, these procedures are performed by experienced and comprehensive plastic surgeons in Turkey.
About three weeks after the gynecomastia surgery, you will return to your old life and you can wear the top outfit you want.
If the incision is made properly, no one will know that you have had gynecomastia surgery. Enjoy your tight chest and walk around with your chest stretched! The Aesthetic Myra team always supports you in this regard.
What is gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a medical condition in which the male mammary gland causes breast enlargement. This condition in the male breast is a hormonal disorder and over time it almost takes the form of a female breast. This is due to the overgrowth of breast tissue behind and around the areola. It reduces your self-confidence and can cause mental depression.
Why does gynecomastia occur?
Gynecomastia can be seen on both sides of the chest. It can usually be caused by hormonal disorder, drugs with medical side effects, and drug use. Also, obese patients often suffer from artificial gynecomastia due to increased fat accumulation in the chest area. Gynecomastia always creates extra estrogen which will cause breast enlargement.
How to fix gynecomastia?
There are several methods that are suitable for everyone. After the consultation, your doctor will give you the healthiest result. Fat hypertrophy of the male breast (pseudo-gynaecomastia due to fat tissue proliferation) can be corrected with liposuction. In the case of true gynecomastia, the breast tissue should be reduced by surgical intervention. Removal of the enlarged and enlarged mammary gland is made through a small incision into the vestibule of the areola. Alignment results in liposuction symmetrical and aesthetically effective surgical results. If there is excess skin that is clearly visible, a breast lift surgery is recommended.
How will the recovery process go?
The healing process may differ from patient to patient. Bruising and swelling are normally seen after surgery and disappear within four weeks. Compressing garments are highly recommended to be worn during the recovery period as this will allow you to heal faster. Do not take sun exposure until the scars have crusted after the surgery. You can take a bath with hot water after eight weeks at the earliest. If any pain is felt, some painkillers can be taken.
When will the final result be obtained?
You will see the difference right after the surgery. In 3-6 months, the full recovery process will be completed and we are sure that you will be satisfied with the result. Scars are temporary and will fade over time.
When will I return to everyday life?
If you work in the office, you can start work after seven to ten days, but heavy physical work should be avoided for at least three weeks. Activities such as cycling and walking in the fresh air accelerate the recovery process after surgery. However, you should avoid sports activities that strain your chest for six weeks.
How much are gynecomastia fees in Turkey?
Gynecomastia surgery in Turkey costs approximately 2,500 Euros and may vary according to your needs. Our price policy is fixed and all-inclusive, you can get detailed information by calling us. We offer you the opportunity to do your surgery and have a vacation in Antalya.
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