Eyelid Correction
1.750 Euro
1-3 hours
Hospital Stay
1 day
Recovery Time
2-4 days

Eyelid Correction
The eyes symbolize the vitality of the body. Pale and tired eyes destroy the radiance of the face. You can regain this with eyelid correction.
Do you always look tired and have droopy eyelids, despite getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and feeling mentally well? Can’t cover it up even with make-up and often have serious problems with your quality of life?
Eyelid Correction Fee
As Aesthetic Myra, we offer you the solution for eyelid lifting by specialist surgeons in Turkey! Thanks to this professional surgical procedure, your eyelids will be tightened and the annoying dark circles and drooping eyelids around your eyes will be permanently corrected. Also, if you decide to have a plastic surgery in Turkey, you will save a lot in terms of price! Call us if you have any other questions!
Lacrimal sacs, dark circles around the eyes and drooping eyelids – What can you do?
Especially the glands called lacrimal sac cause premature aging at an early age, sometimes even in young people. The condition of the skin is important because especially unevenness, puffiness or dark eyebrows can make the very sensitive eyelid droop. The Aesthetic Myra team offers you professional plastic facial surgery options in Turkey, so you can look younger than other people and renew yourself, and at the same time increase your personal well-being.
You will not only look younger from successful eyelid correction (eyelid lift) but also have the added benefit of reducing the intense pressure and weight of the upper eyelids. Thus, your visual field becomes more normal. Also, wearing contact lenses and make-up will no longer be a problem.
What are the eyelid lift procedures in Turkey?
In order to achieve a clear and dynamic look, the Aesthetic Antalya team recommends lifting the eyelids, which completely removes excess skin, muscle tissue and fat protrusion. Initially, the incisions are made by your plastic surgeon in Turkey with sedation, depending on the type of operation. In order to ensure that no scars are left after the surgery, the incisions are chosen to be parallel to the edges of the eyelids so that they can be hidden in the skin folds and the wound edges are sutured with microfin.
Eyelid Correction Fee in Turkey
If you suffer from lacrimal sacs, which is the classic problem of protruding lower eyelids, which causes aging, we offer the possibility of correcting the lacrimal sacs with plastic surgery in Turkey. The lacrimal sacs are often known as “fatty sacs” because fat accumulates in the lower eyelids – the fat that still collects around the eyes during adolescence gradually descends with age, causing the very thin skin of the eyelid to bulge out. With an inconspicuous clean cut along the lash line, the lower lid edge is opened and the adipose tissue is carefully removed. In some patients, the external eyelid angle is fixed to the bone (eyelid angle fixation) to prevent mispositioning of the lower eyelid.
Aesthetic Myra recommends general anesthesia as the lower eyelid lift takes slightly longer than the upper eyelid lift (approximately 90 minutes). As an alternative to this surgical procedure, lower lid plastic surgery can also be performed across the conjunctival sac so that no scars are left.
How to fade dark circles around the eyes?
If you suffer from “true” dark eye circles with swelling of the lower lids, you should know that it is due to the lacrimal sac. These problems are corrected in the healthiest way with lower eyelid surgery. Alternative possibilities we offer in Turkey allow the eyelids to be lifted without surgery and aesthetic surgery.
In this case, either hyaluronic acid or your own oil can be injected. Hyaluron gel is slightly cheaper, especially in Turkey, but much better results are obtained with your own oil. In order for your own oil to be injected into the dark circles around the eyes, it must be achieved in the form of liposuction that weakens the body (for example, knees, stomach or legs).
What is Eyelid Surgery?
Droopy eyelids, puffy fat sacs, scary-looking skin and dark circles are treated with eyelid correction, also known as blepharoplasty. Eyelid surgery is a cosmetic surgical procedure that tightens the skin tissue around the eyes and varies according to your personal needs. For example, some need to be applied to the upper or lower eyelids, or to both eyelids. In order for you to look younger with blepharoplasty, we can easily remove excess sagging skin and muscle tissue.
How can droopy eyelids be corrected with surgery?
Slippery eyelids usually occur in advanced ages when the skin on the forehead or eyebrow area loses its elasticity and the skin around the eyes loosens. They can also occur genetically and occur at an early age. This is entirely dependent on human genetics. When a droopy eyelid occurs, it creates an uncomfortable aesthetic problem for men and women. It also affects and can strain the field of view. During eyelid correction, the slipped areas are treated and corrected appropriately.
Eye bags also with eyelid tightening
Is it permanently taken?
Common known problems of eye bags are the loss of adipose tissue on the upper cheeks, the other is weakening of the orbital septum, and the third is their genes, sometimes people are born this way. The doctor cleans and organizes the oils in the custody to remove the bags.
Is the result of eyelid correction effective for a long time?
Yes! Eyelid surgery is performed to achieve a long-lasting aesthetic success. Patients seeking eyelid surgery in Turkey can be sure that they will look more alive and beautiful after plastic surgery. This rejuvenation contributes to you for many years and gives you more well-being.
What are the risks of surgery?
Eyelid surgery is a procedure that is performed under local anesthesia, carries a low risk during surgery, and rarely has complications. Possible side effects include swelling, hematoma, dryness, or temporary numbness at the edge of the lid, which may occur in the first few days after eyelid surgery.
What is Asian eyelid correction?
As studies show that almost 50% of Asians are born with a ‘single eyelid’ or ‘double eyelid’ shape, this means that there is no wrinkle when the eye is open and they do not naturally have a double eyelid crease. Thanks to this surgical method, Asians get rid of lighter, less pale-looking eyes and have the desired aesthetic appearance, especially for women who wear make-up. And so the Asian patient will have a natural-looking double eyelid.
When can I work again after eyelid correction?
We recommend our patients to rest for at least 1 week after eyelid surgery. Heavy physical work and sports activities should be avoided for 3 weeks.
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